Adapting Confucianism for a Greener China
China has a rich history of ecological thought, shaped by its unique geography, culture, and political systems. As the world's worst polluter (fossil fuel emissions are twice that of the USA), China must make significant strides towards sustainable development. In order to do so, China should center ecocentric and biocentric thought as a means of achieving sustainable development. Though technically an atheist state, Confucianism is a significant philosophy (considered religious in some spheres) subscribed to in China. By incorporating more ecocentric teachings, Confucian is emerging as a force for a greener China. Confucianism, historically, is seen to be quite anthropocentric, as it focuses mainly on human relationships and social harmony. However, if we look closer into the teachings of Confucianism, we find ecocentric and biocentric threads. A main tenant of Confucianism is the balance and harmony between humanity, heaven, and earth. Ancient Confucian philosopher D...