Deep Ecology
Week 9: Deep Ecology and China's Population DEEP ECOLOGY BASIC PRINCIPLE 4 The flourishing of human life and cultures is compatible with a substantial decrease of the human population. The flourishing of nonhuman life requires such a decrease. People in the materially richest countries cannot be expected to reduce their excessive interference with the nonhuman world to a moderate level overnight. The stabilization and reduction of the human population will take time. Interim strategies need to be developed. In no way, however, does this excuse the current complacency. The extreme seriousness of our situation must first be realized, and the longer we wait the more drastic will be the measures needed. Until deep changes are made, substantial decreases in richness and diversity are liable to occur: the rate of extinction of species will be ten to one hundred times greater than at any other period in Earth’s history. The principle of decreasing the human popul...